Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas, 2011...For You

Christmas..."it's the most wonderful time of the year"! Right? That's what the song says. It's a time of celebration, of giving, of family, of traditions, of caroling... Yes, it truly is all of that - but what about those who are facing extremely difficult circumstances, for whom Christmas just seems to magnify the pain?

For instance, those who are grieving the death of a member of their family. I can't help but think of the Sproul family, who just days ago, suffered the loss of their mom/wife, to cancer. Or my friend Katie's family, who face their first Christmas without her. (I need to tell Katie's story sometime soon - I didn't know her for very long, but she made such an impact on my life. She's an incredible young woman...and I can't wait to see her again!)

For those who feel the absence of someone dearly loved, like a big, gaping hole in their heart...Christmas could become more of an ordeal, than a celebration.

There are many other things that can get in the way of the ever-elusive "perfect Christmas"...worry and stress over money problems, strained relationships, and of course, dealing with diseases - like PD, Alzheimer's, ALS, cancer, depression, anxiety, and so many more...

But when you look at the events of the first Christmas - the reason we celebrate today - the circumstances surrounding what happened were in no way "perfect". Mary, who was engaged to Joseph, was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Mary knew this, and Joseph knew it (after an angel told him in no uncertain terms in a dream), and maybe just a few others (like Elizabeth), but to most people, Mary was a teenage, unwed mother.

The birth itself was hardly "ideal". She and Joseph were far away from home and family, there was no hospital, no doctor or midwife or even her mom, there was not an inn or a home to stay in. These two young people, who had not even consummated their marriage yet, went through labor and delivery all on their a stable.

Oh, but the birth was very special - so very special! Because the Child was no ordinary human being. The Child was God, the Son - becoming flesh and blood, like us - to save us. In that dark night, as Mary endured the labor pains, and pushed with all her might, pushed through the pain, to give birth to this very special baby...everything changed.

Most of the world didn't have a clue of what a momentous event had just happened. Even those in Bethlehem just slept right through it. All except for a group of shepherds - God chose to share the good news with them - via His messengers, angels.

And the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

Those two little words, "for you" - they've had such an impact on me this year as I've read the Christmas story. I'm not sure I can really explain it...but when I think about what those words mean...there has been born for me a Savior...I get this warm, almost burning, awesome feeling deep in the center of my heart and soul - and it fills me with joy.

Christmas isn't about a "perfect" celebration here on earth - that's just not possible. Christmas is about a Savior who was born...for you...for me...for each and every one of us.

For the one who is grieving the death of someone dearly loved...a Savior has been born for you. He has come to conquer death and give us eternal life together with Him in God's kingdom.

For the one who is worried and stressed over money, or mistakes made...a Savior has been born for you. He has come to show us the Father's love, how He will take care of our every need, even our greatest need - forgiveness of our sins -and give us new life in His kingdom, beginning right now, here on earth.

For the one who has been hurt by others, or abused by someone in authority over them, or perhaps your heart is breaking over a child who has rejected you and is on a path of self-destruction...a Savior has been born for you. He has come to make you a part of His family, a child of God, adopted into God's kingdom, forever. He has come to forgive you of all your sin, and you in turn, can forgive others of their sins toward you. He has come to deliver you from anger and bitterness.

For the one who daily battles the degeneration of their body, mind, and/or emotions...a Savior has been born for you. He has come to save the eternal part of us - what is temporary will pass away, but He promises to hold onto that which is eternal, in fact, renew it every day, and one day, clothe that eternal "inner man" with a new body - that is imperishable.

Whatever the darkness is in your life, the good news of Christmas is that a Savior has been born...for you.

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