Benghazi "whistleblowers" hearings today - watched the whole thing, with some of the kids. Extremely interesting, and so good to finally hear from someone who was there, but is it enough? They're going to just sweep it under the rug again...are there others who could come forward, and tell the truth? Just so tired of lies.
I keep going back to Psalm 37 ---
"Do not fret because of evildoers,
Be not envious toward wrongdoers.
For they will wither quickly like the grass
And fade like the green herb.
Trust in the Lord and do good;
Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the Lord;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him, and He will do it.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light
And your judgment as the noonday."
Father, help me not to fret. Remind me not to fret, but to trust in You. I pray for truth, for justice, and that You would bring forth righteousness as the light, and judgment as the noonday. Father, may Your righteousness be known, and Your glory be revealed in this land. In Jesus precious' name I pray, Amen.
I wrote the above just a few hours ago. In the meantime, someone asked me this question - "What "truth" do you think hasn't been told (about Benghazi)?" This is how I responded, and it's messy cause I did it quick, but I wanted to list it all out here, too. There's a lot of truth that needs to be told.
Here's my list -
1. Why did the State Dept. deny requests for more security? Why did they, in fact, take away from what they had, which was not enough in the first place? Is it truly funding? Ms. Lamb testified earlier that money was not the issue, and Hillary C. had discretion about where she appropriated her funds. Something else could have been cut, something less deadly. It doesn't add up. Why did the State Dept. deny requests for more security?
2. Where was President Obama when all of this was happening? He's the Commander in Chief - what was he doing, how was he carrying out that duty that night? Sec of Def (at that time) Panetta testified that after he spoke to Pres Obama (at a previously scheduled meeting) at the beginning of the attack, that the Pres never spoke to him again during that whole night! Why? Why didn't Pres Obama attend his Presidential Daily Briefing the morning after the attacks? And the next morning? No one knew whether or not more violence was on the horizon. And I know they say he reads them - but that's not the same as talking to the people who are experts, asking questions, making sure you understand. And why did he go to a fund raiser hours after those men were killed? If he really was sincere about finding out what happened, and protecting our country and our people from further attacks, why didn't he stay at the White House and do his job? Where was he when those men were dying?
3. This one is my most important - after all the excuses, all the explanations, all the condescending oh you just don't understand the military or the situation...I don't buy it. Why did we not send help?! SecDef Panetta's 1st excuse - too dangerous, not enough info or intel. Hogwash! That's what the military does! Here is what he said in an Oct 26, 2012 report from ABC "Panetta said the US military had responded quickly by deploying forces to the region. “We had FAST platoons in the region. We had ships that we had deployed off of Libya. And we were prepared to respond to any contingency. And certainly had forces in place to do that.” But Panetta said the “basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place.”
His next excuse - there just wasn't time to get troops there. That contradicts the first excuse, and it doesn't even make sense! In real time, they didn't know how long it was going to last, they didn't know anything, according to his first excuse, so how could they possibly know if they could get there "in time"? In time for what? They didn't know when it would end! I just saw a CBS report about this subject, and they interviewed Mr. Panetta. Incredible. He said the nearest help would have come from Italy, but they didn't have tankers in the area to fuel the planes. Why? They played a tape of him testifying that there was no imminent threat at that time. Hogwash again! The consulate had been attacked already, there was a hole in the wall! The British and the Red Cross had already packed up and left because of the danger. And it was the anniversary of 9/11! What do they want - an announcement in the mail? The statement was also made that the two attacks were separated by 6 hours, and if they had known another attack was coming, they would have acted differently. What?! That's the point - they didn't know - so why didn't they send the military in there so they would be prepared for anything?! It just doesn't make sense!
3a. Why in the world did they not mobilize the FEST response team? Mr. Thompson testified today that he was told it wasn't the "right time" for that. FEST - "The United States Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) is a rapid-response unit designed to respond to terrorist attacks against U.S. interests overseas." It was exactly what was needed!! How could it possibly not be the right time?!
3b. Why was Lt. Colonel Gibson told not to board the C-130 that he was about to get on and go help in Benghazi? Mr. Hicks testified that they had every reason to believe that US personnel were still in danger at that time. Mr. Hicks then realized, they were on their own. Who gave that order, and why? Why were military not even authorized to help rescue and evacuate all the Americans? Why did the diplomatic personnel have to do that on their own? Shameful!
3c. Mr. Hicks spoke of the 6-man team that drove off 60 attackers in the first wave - saving many lives. That team included Tyrone Woods. It was reported back in the fall that he also was told to "stand down" when the cried for help came from the mission. There's a pattern here.
Why did we not respond with military help? Why were they left on their own? Why?
4. It's clear as day - there was no protest over a video. No one from Libya reported a protest over a video. It was a terrorist attack and everybody knew it. Why did the administration lie? Was it just to win the election? Or was another reason? Why?
These are all truths that have not been told.
If enough people ask, they're going to have to start talking.

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