"Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light." (Ephesians 5:11-13)The trial of a Philadelphia abortionist, Mr. (I refuse to use the title of "Dr." for this man) Gosnell, who could face the death penalty if convicted of murdering (at the very least) one woman and three babies, has been very, very disturbing. But a lot of people in America don't know about it. It's not on the major network news programs too much, if at all. It's a huge story, but they're not covering it. They don't want to air this particular "news". Maybe they're afraid that if they expose Mr. Gosnell's deeds, some of that light might spill out onto abortion itself. Because you can't look at this case and not see that there's very little difference in what Mr. Gosnell has done, and what many other "physicians" do under the protection of the law.
This article explains it very well - http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/04/why-dr-kermit-gosnells-trial-should-be-a-front-page-story/274944/ - it is graphic (there's a picture of an aborted baby), it's hard to read, it'll upset you, but it needs to be read. And we need to be upset about it - because the more voices that are saying, "Enough is enough!" the better. This man has operated this "clinic" since 1979, and despite complaint after complaint, no one ever stopped him! And there are more out there. (That topic in another post)
During the trial, when Assistant District Attorney Ed Cameron was arguing in support of the abuse of corpse charges, he made this statement: "Once fetuses leave the mother, they are then due the respect that would be given any human being." That's a profound statement. Mr. Cameron was urging the judge to uphold the law, as any lawyer would. But do we hear what he's saying? Our law dictates that babies are not due the respect that would be given any human being, until they leave their mother. Yes, that's the law of the land. That's Roe v Wade.
While a baby is in the womb, which should be the safest place on earth - you can use a high powered vacuum which tears the tiny baby and the placenta to pieces and then suctions them out; you can use a knife to cut them in pieces and scrape them out; you can use forceps to twist and tear the bones apart until the baby is totally dismembered and removed; you can inject saline solution into the womb, which poisons the baby and also burns off the outer layer of skin; you can give the mother chemicals which make the uterus contract much more violently than normal, often killing the baby in the process; you can have an operation, very similar to a C-section, except the cord is cut while the baby's still in the womb which causes him to suffocate, or if he's born alive, you can just discard him - he'll die eventually, of exposure and neglect. Or, you can grab the baby by the leg, pull the body out of the womb until only the head is still in, and stab that head with scissors, create a hole big enough for a suction catheter to be inserted and suction the brains out. Now that he/she is dead, you can remove that baby's body from his mother. You see, all of that is legal. (Believe it or not, I didn't put everything in here - here's the link if you'd like to check it out for yourself: http://www.lifesitenews.com/abortiontypes/)
What Mr. Gosnell did was not legal, because the baby somehow managed to survive the abortion procedure, was born alive, (more to post about babies "born alive") and Mr. Gosnell "snipped" the back of his/her head with scissors, severing the spinal cord, and killing the baby. Because he did it outside the womb, after the baby was no longer in the mother's body - it's considered murder. If the baby is inside the womb, even if just the head is inside the womb - a matter of inches - it's legal. No matter what it's called or labeled, no matter what the Supreme Court or Planned Parenthood or anyone else says - it's murder all around. It's just common sense.
Cheryl Sullenger from Operation Rescue has been reporting from the trial. This is her report from the prosecution's final, and certainly most damning, witness. Again - not an easy read, and there is a picture of the baby boy that Mr. Gosnell tossed into a shoe box. A picture does indeed say a thousand words...and this one is burned in my mind forever, I think. But we have to look at it, expose it, and rebuke it.
There's so much more...
That's it for now, though - that's enough, for now.
"Open your mouth for the mute,
For the rights of all the unfortunate.
Open your mouth, judge righteously,
And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9