Monday, July 9, 2012

"Let the Children Come"

It has certainly been like a roller-coaster ride these past few days. Up and down, off and on. Today has been mostly off for some reason. It didn't start out well...woke up with a terrible headache, really painful lower back, stiff and sore joints - moving was not easy or pleasant.

But, Backyard Bible Club (BBC) started this morning, and I'm teaching the Bible lessons, so I took my meds (plus a couple of Aleve), and stumbled out the door. Once there, it gets so busy, and it's so much fun interacting with the kids, and getting to know them, I don't remember feeling bad - all I remember is having a very dry mouth, and needing water a lot. (Dry mouth is a side effect of several PD meds.)

One little girl really got to me. She's around four or five years old, and she's very articulate! :) She's got blond hair, and she's a beautiful little girl, with a sweet, sweet smile and disposition. But when I asked the kids if they had ever baked a cake or brownies with their moms, she said, very matter of factly, "Oh, my mom doesn't like me." I thought maybe I'd heard her wrong, so I asked her to repeat it. Sure enough, I'd heard it right the first time.

She didn't cry or pout, she wasn't dramatic about it, she wasn't looking for sympathy or attention - she was just stating a fact. "My mom does not like me."

If we can do something good for this little girl, if we can shower her with love, for five days anyway, and plant the seed of truth in her heart that God loves her so much and she is precious in His sight...if we could do that for all the children who come...I'll be there.

"Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
(Mark 10:14)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Diving In...

I know this is something my Heavenly Father wants me to do. I know it. Why is it so hard to do? Time - for sure. I'm so behind on everything in my life - how in the world am I going to fit this in, too? And then, there's my perfectionist tendencies - once I get the house cleaned up, and my life in order...I'll sit down at my computer with a nice, cold soda, surrounded by cleanliness and order, and write the wittiest, most inspiring, grammatically correct blogs...

Hah! Dream on!

No, if I'm ever going to actually do this consistently, I'm just going to have to do the midst of a mess, off the top of my head, and as openly and honestly as possible.

Why? Because people with PD need to share the journey...because people without PD need to know a little bit of what it's like...but most of all, because in the midst of this mess of a disease, I'm learning what faith really is, and I want to share the hope that I have in Jesus, and what He is teaching me through the Bible, God's holy word.

Until next time, hopefully tomorrow,
